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Terms Of Service VNETWORK


1. VNETWORK JOINT STOCK COMPANY (" VNETOWRK JSC or VNETOWRK JONT STOCK COMPANY ") is not responsible and does not guarantee the accuracy of information from anyone sent to the server and does not accept any legal responsibility. handling or compensation for any loss or damage to data stored on the server.

2. The user is responsible for maintaining and preserving data on the server.

3. Users are solely responsible for and warrant to us in using their Website or Server for lawful purposes. Especially in the following cases:

  • 3.1. Users may not submit, create links or feed to:
  • a. Any kind of data that is illegal, threatening, deceptive, hateful, misleading, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, offensive, information theft... or otherwise prohibited. other in any way.
  • b. Any kind of data that constitutes or encourages any form of crime; or data that infringes any patent, trademark, design, copyright or other intellectual property right or rights of any person.
  • 3.2. Users are not allowed to send destructive bulk email from our server or network and are not encouraged to have a site located on the server use bulk email.
  • 3.3. Users do not use programs that can clog or slow down the system, such as exhausting system resources, overloading the processor and memory. 4. Users keep securely identifying information, passwords or other confidential information related to your account and immediately notify us when you detect unauthorized forms of access with your account or security loopholes, including loss, theft or disclosure of passwords and other confidential information.

5. Users comply with the procedures that we set out and will not use hosting and servers for purposes that may affect our other customers.

6. Any access to other networks linked to our network is subject to the respective laws of those networks.

7. While we take all possible measures and efforts to ensure the data integrity and safety of the server, we make no guarantees in the event that the server is vandalized by unauthorized users or unauthorized users. hacker as well as hardware failure due to the manufacturer and also not responsible for cases of data loss.

8. If you violate the payment of fees, violate the above provisions, we may suspend the services and/or immediately terminate the contract without prior notice.

9. We will not refund any money due to service interruption due to user's violation in the above items, unless we do not continue to provide the service.

10. VNETWORK has the right to stop providing the service without being responsible for the data and not responsible for refunding any costs to the Customer. Customers must also bear all responsibility before the law in the following cases:

  • Use VM resources for VPN purposes to prevent attacks from affecting the system.
  • Taking advantage of the provision and use of Internet services and online information for the purpose of opposing the State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; causing harm to national security, social order and safety; undermining the great national unity bloc; propaganda war, terrorism; causing hatred and conflict among ethnic groups, ethnic groups and religions; propagate and incite violence, lewdness, debauchery, crimes, social evils, superstition, and sabotage the nation's fine customs and traditions; disclose state secrets, military secrets, security, economic, foreign affairs and other secrets prescribed by law; Disseminating information that distorts, slanders or offends the reputation of the organization, the honor and dignity of individuals; advertising, propagating, trading in banned goods and services, spreading banned journalistic, literary, artistic works and publications; impersonating organizations and individuals and spreading fake information,
  • Creating unauthorized links to legitimate domain names of organizations and individuals; create, install, distribute malware, computer viruses; illegally infiltrate, gain control of information systems, create attack tools on the Internet.
  • Customers must be responsible in accordance with the law for the information they store, transmit, provide or distribute on the network; Private information of organizations and individuals is kept confidential according to the provisions of law, the control of private information on the network shall be carried out by competent state management agencies in accordance with the provisions of law.
  • Customers are only allowed to set up general websites and social networks when they have a license to set up a general website or a license to set up a social network.
  • Customers must comply with the provisions of the law on Internet use, the terms of service use specified in the Contract and Decree No. 72/2013/ND-CP regulating the management, provision and use of services. Internet services and information on the Internet. 11. All disputes related to .VN domain names, we will handle according to the regulations of Vietnam Internet Center (VNNIC). All disputes related to international domain names, we will handle according to the regulations of the organization managing top-level domain names (ICANN).